This blog is now running on a mataroa fork

As long as I have been writing on this blog, a constant source of frustation has been the workflow I chose for it. It was painful not being able to easily create or edit posts from a mobile device1. However, starting today, this is a problem from the past!

This website is now back to the blogging engine I used on my very first post, Mataroa. Although, in this case, I'm running my own fork that has a different theme and stripped down features (no comments, hugo-only exports and more).

The setup is fairly primitive, docker containers on a server under my desk and a cheap VPS as the web proxy. Latency is a problem and I might work on it in the future... or not.

I would like to thank Theodore Keloglou for his work on Mataroa and his patience reviewing my PRs to make it easier to self-host.

  1. Specially during the previous vacation trip.