New Year's Resolutions for 2023

I have never done a New Year's resolution before... well, at least not a public one written down in a blog post! 😁

I intend to update this post with some of the accomplishments related to the goals below.


  • More blog posts
  • Take more pictures
  • Write more software (if possible, in F#)
    1. Paired with Magueta and introduced UDDT support for SQL Server SSDT on SQLProvider (link)
    2. Introduced option to configure which headers to hide from logs on Giraffe.SerilogExtensions (link)
    3. Added bind operator for Option to FsToolkit.ErrorHandling (link)
    4. Added support to read database configuration from homeserver.yaml on Synapse's S3 Storage Provider (link)
    5. Added testFixtureAsync and testFixtureTask on Expecto (link)



  • Be able to hold at least a basic conversation in French


[I'm now being coached by a Professional Powerlifter]({{< relref "being-coached-by-a-professional-powerlifter" >}}), so I expect to reach my goals easily!

  • One-repetition maximum - You can check my progress on my [Workout Schedule - 2023]({{< relref "workout-schedule-2023-w2" >}}).
    • Squat: 150kg
    • Deadlift: 200kg
    • Benchpress: 100kg
    • Overhead Press: 60kg

Travel-related goals

Nationally : Visit Ouro Preto; visit São Paulo's countryside; discover new restaurants

Internationally : Visit Japan or an European country

Being completely honest, this is a lot for a single year. Even more for the traveling part. But, it's how they say: go big or go home!