Divine gift: 'Archangel Michael Defeats Satan' painting

Today, I was fortunate to receive this extraordinary gift that holds an immense meaning to me. She surprised me with one of my favorite paintings: "Archangel Michael Defeats Satan" by Guido Reni.

A framed 'The Archangel Michael Defeating Satan' painting.

"Close your eyes. If you don't like it, at least pretend you liked it! Alright?!", she said. As if she didn't know already I would definitely fall in love for it. Not only the artwork mesmerized me, I was immediately captivated by the frame that enveloped the painting.

Details of the painting 'The Archangel Michael Defeating Satan' frame.

This painting holds a new meaning to me. Not only the serene figure of a victorious Archangel Michael over an anger Satan serves as a constant reminder of the triumph of good over evil through a battle fought void of malice and full of grace. Now, it also physically represents a significant portion of my heart, forever moved by her thoughtfulness and love.