Safer F#/.NET environments

I always find it amazingly hard to tweak .NET project’s tooling outside Visual Studio or Rider. The solution (.sln) file is just a cryptic list of GUIDs, project files (.[fc]proj) have no autocompletion on its options through LSPs and there’s nothing fancy on fsharp-mode nor VSCode Extensions to help you. For this reason I want to show here some files and options I use to make my F#/C# projects safer and easier to use.

According to the documentation, Directory.Build.props is a file that you can put at the root of your directory to define default properties to all of your project at once. In my case, I use it with the following properties:


Articles from blogs I follow around the net

The four tenets of SOA revisited

Twenty years after. In the January 2004 issue of MSDN Magazine you can find an article by Don Box titled A Guide to Developing and Running Connected Systems with Indigo. Buried within the (now dated) discussion of the technology…

via ploeh blog March 4, 2024

Building a demo of the Bleichenbacher RSA attack in Rust

Recently while reading Real-World Cryptography, I got nerd sniped1 by the mention of Bleichenbacher's attack on RSA. This is cool, how does it work? I had to understand, and to understand something, I usually have to build it. Well, friends, that is what…

via blog March 4, 2024

How to unbreak Dolphin on SteamOS after the QT6 update

A recent update to Dolphin made it switch to QT6. This makes it crash with this error or something like it: dolphin-emu: symbol lookup error: dolphin-emu: undefined symbol: _Zls6QDebugRK11QDockWidget, version Qt_6 This is fix…

via Xe Iaso's blog March 3, 2024

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