GopherCon Brasil 2022

Gophercon Brasil 2022 took place in São José, Santa Catarina from September 30th to October 1th. It was our first trip to the state.

From the conference itself, I personally enjoyed a lot the talk about ksql, a SQL library. It showed major painpoints over the ecossystem and how the author intend to avoid them on his library.

Now, we didn’t have much time to explore the region there as we only stayed there for two days. However, there was an awesome italian restaurant next to our hotel called Macarronada Italiana, located at Av. Lédio João Martins, 240. Unfortunately, we forgot our camera, so I don’t have any photos to show here. 😅

🗒️ The pictures are gone for now. I intend to upload higher resolution ones in the future.

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

The four tenets of SOA revisited

Twenty years after. In the January 2004 issue of MSDN Magazine you can find an article by Don Box titled A Guide to Developing and Running Connected Systems with Indigo. Buried within the (now dated) discussion of the technology…

via ploeh blog March 4, 2024

Building a demo of the Bleichenbacher RSA attack in Rust

Recently while reading Real-World Cryptography, I got nerd sniped1 by the mention of Bleichenbacher's attack on RSA. This is cool, how does it work? I had to understand, and to understand something, I usually have to build it. Well, friends, that is what…

via blog March 4, 2024

How to unbreak Dolphin on SteamOS after the QT6 update

A recent update to Dolphin made it switch to QT6. This makes it crash with this error or something like it: dolphin-emu: symbol lookup error: dolphin-emu: undefined symbol: _Zls6QDebugRK11QDockWidget, version Qt_6 This is fix…

via Xe Iaso's blog March 3, 2024

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